türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 12 December 2017)

Hard to imagine stronger condemnation, especially if they
don't brush their teeth afterwards.
A group of "muhtars" (village chiefs) in Antalya's Kumluca district ate
radishes upon which they wrote "Trump", in order to protest the U.S.
President's declaration of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The chiefs
gathered in front of the Kumluca Muhtarlar Association building, led
by Mustafa Tüfekçi, the muhtar of Sarıcasu village.
Tüfekçi read the group's announcement, which besides condemning
Trump, noted that Jerusalem is the most sacred place for the Islamic
world after Mecca and Medina. Tüfekçi stated that all Moslems
should unite against the occupation by the West and Zionism. After
the announcement was read, all the muhtars ate their "Trump"-
emblazoned radishes (!).

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