16 Mart 2024 Cumartesi

Bike Thief's Victim Gets Sweet Revenge for Herself and Others, in Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 March 2024)

                         She's pretty smart.

Ukrainian citizen Mishel Lazerenko, who lives in Antalya, had her 
bicycle stolen from in front of her house but, like a detective, she
succeeded in having police find not only her bike but those stolen
from others, as well. (!)

Mishel explained what happened to Hürriyet as follows:

"When I came home from work I saw that my bike had been stolen.
Right away, I filed a complaint with the police.  Next, I downloaded
an app for a website selling second-hand goods and opened an account
with the name "Damla".  Within an hour I saw my bike up for sale so
I contacted the seller but, in order not to attract suspicion, I haggled
a bit about the price.  In fact, at my insistence, the seller reduced the
price by 1,000 TL.  Once we settled on a price and I got the address
I informed the police."  (!)

"En route to the seller's address, two policemen followed me in their
car.  I met the seller in front of a TIR (tractor-trailer).  When he opened
the door of the TIR I saw tens of bikes inside.  The police checked the
serial number on my bike to officially determine that it was mine.
The rest of the bikes were returned to their rightful owners."  (!) 

(no mention in the article of the fate of the "seller" - presumably he
was arrested but one never knows around here...)

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