31 Mart 2024 Pazar

"Crash & Release": Georgian Massacre by Kitchenware Along the Road, in Çankırı

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 31 March 2024)

It's just a mess...but it'll have to do till the real mess gets here.

Along the road at Göynükçukuru village in Çankırı province's Çerkes
district, the driver of a car with plate number 16 ADB 879 pulled over
to the side of the road with car trouble.  Police arrived to help driver
Mehmet Adem and took measures to ensure safety during the rescue. 

However (!), Shota N., the driver  of a TIR (tractor-trailer) with 
Georgian plates and loaded with kitchenware, plowed into the disabled 
car and the police rescuers, spilling the kitchenware all over.   As the
result of the crash, car driver Adem, his father Abdurrahman Adem,
his mother Tokezban Adem and his sister Yurdağül Davan were killed.
Shota N. and policemen D.G. and B.K. were slightly injured. 

It took five hours to clear the TIR and the kitchenware from the road.

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