(Hurriyet Newspaper, 19 January 2014)

Omer Eren (43) lives in Karakoy village, located about
35 kilometers from Bayramic in Canakkale province. On
1 December 2012, Eren and his wife Hanife (38), along
with their two children, stopped a minibus used by a
gold mining company, for about three minutes. Eren
said to the workers riding in the bus, who were mostly
his co-villagers, "this mine is spreading poison! Why
are you working there?!"
Mine company officials filed a complaint in court in
Bayramic against Eren and his wife for the crime of
'violating one's right to work.' The case went on for
a year, coming to conclusion on 3 December 2013. The
court imposed a jail sentence of 1 year 15 days on the
Eren couple. The sentence was postponed but it was
decreed that a psychologist will visit the Eren home
each month to council children M.E. (12) and B.E.(13),
who were said to have been incited to crime.
Bayramic is in the south-central part.
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