(HaberTürk Newspaper, 23 March 2016)

Sheepskin coats and lamb stew aplenty henceforth.
Nail Çobanoğlu raises animals in Sindehöyük village of Develi
district in Kayseri province. When one of twenty sheep was born
deformed, Çobanoğlu became concerned and summoned a veternarian.
Vet A.U. came and diagnosed the problem as a lack of vitamins. He
promised to come back in the evening and give the sheep injections.
When A.U. came and finished giving the animals shots by 9 p.m.
Çobanoğlu came at midnight to check on the sheep but found them
thrashing on the ground. By 3 a.m. a number of the sheep had died.
Çobanoğlu called A.U. but received no reply so he drove to A.U.'s
house and brought him back to the farm.
A.U. then began giving the ailing sheep heart injections but this only
served to hasten their deaths. At his point A.U., at wit's end, left the
farm. Çobanoğlu lamented that "the Gendarmerie came and I filed
a complaint against A.U. I lost 200 sheep, a great tragedy."
Develi district is in southern Kayseri province.
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