türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 31 August 2017)
"Whatsamatayou" instead of "Ho, ho, ho!"?
The bones of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus), who it is claimed were taken
to Bari, Italy, by Italian merchants from the St. Nicholas Museum in
Demre, Antalya, are being sought by means of geo-radar in an area of
the museum. The chief of the museum, Cemil Karabayram, said that
the geo-radar effort will determine whether or not St. Nicholas's
bones are there or not. Karabayram noted that "I don't think that
St. Nicholas's bones were taken away. His grave is not yet certain.
They're doing DNA tests in Italy but there is no concrete proof yet."
St. Nicholas was the bishop of Demre in the 3rd century A.D.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 31 August 2017)

Archeological excavations are continuing at Giresun Island, which
was an important religious center in Byzantine times and also the
place where the Amazon women and Hercules were said to have lived.
Additionally, Jason and the Argonauts were believed to have visited
the island during their quest for the Golden Fleece.
Wore nail polish.
With regard to the Byzantine church currently being examined, Dr.
Gazanfar İltar stated that "illegal excavations have damaged the site
quite a bit. In particular, the mosaics from the palace have been
destroyed. We have determined that the skeletons found here are
those of men in their 30s."