türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Posta Newspaper, 2 August 2017)
Yes, we see it...but it's still hard to believe.
Zonguldak-Kozlu City Council Member Kerim Yılmaz of the
ruling AKP party was chosen to replace fomer AKP Mayor Ertan
Şahin, who died from cancer last February. New Mayor Yılmaz
has had a 530,000 TL (about $150,000) Volkswagen Touareg
purchased as his official vehicle, replacing a 2011 Volkswagen
Mayor Yılmaz had a sacrifice slaughtered to bless his new car
but beforehand he had the new license plate numbers of his
vehicle painted on the sacrificial goat (!). Yılmaz explained
that "my old car was six years old and worn out. One time it
broke down on the way to Ankara. With a tax break we got
this new car for 211,000 TL. The invoice is at city hall."
Kozlu is just west of Zonguldak, on the Black Sea coast.
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