türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 23 August 2017)

Gendarmerie says "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"
After HaberTürk exposed the 'tombala' (bingo-like gambling)
swindle taking place in Adana and Mersin, the Gendarmerie
raided the premises 8 times in 23 days (!). The 'tombalacılar'
(practitioners) rented an unused factory building in the Yenice
neighborhood of Tarsus district in Mersin province and put a
sign out front declaring it to be the "Transport and Workers
The first Gendarmerie raid took place on 25 July and the first
floor of the factory was sealed. However, the 'tombalacılar'
set up a new gaming area on the second floor. After HaberTürk
wrote about a '80,000 TL one-night swindle', the Gendarmerie
raided the factory a second time, followed by raids on 7 other
sites in the subsequent days.
Gendarmerie sketch of one excited suspect.
All the sites were sealed by the governor's office and the
municipality but the 'tombalacılar' were undeterred. The 8th
raid against the 'Union' occurred the day before yesterday, with
77 people being assessed fines totalling 17,479 TL. The
Gendarmie seized 1 blowing machine and plastic hose, a sound
amplifier, a 'take-a-number' machine, 150 gaming cards and
4,879 game pieces.
The entire factory building has now been sealed. After 'Union
Chief' N.B. was apprehended during the first raid, the 'Union
Secretary' A.A. and two other people took over the enterprise.
In the course of the 8 raids 860 people were fined 187,000 TL.
Another 70 individuals were charged with establishing a
gambling site. The 'tombalacılar' paid all the fines of the 860
people charged.
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