30 Nisan 2019 Salı

Firefighter Soaks Bolu Municipality

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 29 April 2019)

Bolu Belediyesi'nde 6 üst düzey görevi birden yürütüyordu, itfaiye eri oldu
A multi-tasker, Ilgaz is always on (salaried) duty somewhere.

In the aftermath of the scandal in Bolu concerning AKP (ruling party)
Bolu Women's Branches' Chairwoman Arzu Güler and the fact that she
received a salary from the municipality without working (!), another
scandal has arisen, this one involving a firefighter.

Ten years ago, Serkan Ilgaz entered the Bolu Fire Department as a
rookie but lately he had been holding 6 senior positions in the
municipality and receiving a separate salary for each of them.  However,
with the transfer of power from the AKP to the CHP, as the result of the
31 March election, Ilgaz has been sent back to his lone job as a rookie

Newly-elected Bolu Mayor Tanju Özcan related that "I didn't know
where Arzu Güler was working, although she was on the muncipal
payroll." It turned out that Güler was receiving a monthly salary from
BOSES (a municipality company) without working there.  She was
forced to 'resign' from both BOSES and her position as the chairwoman
of the AKP women's organization.

bolu arzu güler ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Arzu hanım earning that big paycheck - that's what she gets
(got!) overpaid for.

As for Ilgaz, whose wife works for the municipality and whose sister,
while living outside the city, was receiving a salary as a municipal
employee, he has been holding simultaneous positions in municipal
general staff, human resources,  'Nature's Heart Bolu', work health
and security services, municipal computer services and the municipal
bakery hierarchy - receiving separate salaries from each of them (!).

It turns out that Ilgaz is a distant relative of former AKP Mayor
Alaaddin Yılmaz.  On current Mayor Özcan's orders, Ilgaz is now
back as a rookie firefighter.  Ilgaz also used one of the municipality's
fleet of cars to travel to Düzce, where he got into an accident.  He
had the Bolu municipality pay for the car repairs and expenses
associated with the accident.

bolu haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu

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