30 Nisan 2019 Salı

Holocaust Doll's Hair DNA May Lead To 'Donor''s Family

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Milliyet Newspaper, 30 April 2019)

bez bebek

A 78-year-old doll at the Anadolu Oyuncak Müzesi (Anatolian Toy
Museum) in Antalya has hair that was taken from a Jewish girl before
she was killed at the Aushwitz concentration camp during World War II.
Jewish officials want to contact relatives of the girl, based on DNA
recovered from the hair.

anadolu oyuncak müzesi auschwitz bebek ile ilgili görsel sonucu

The museum was opened in Kepez, Antalya, in 2017 and holds more
than 13,000 toys and other items.  But the doll with the real hair has
been a special attraction for visitors.  Museum Director Emrah Ünlüsoy
explained that "an average of 1,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz
each day by the Nazis and the hair of young girls was cut off before
they died. The hair was then used for dolls for German girls from
wealthy families.  When visitors hear about the origin of the hair they
cry.  Jewish officials are now trying to contact the girl's relatives,
based on the DNA recovered from a tuft of hair."

kepez ilçesi haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu
                       Kepez is in the area outlined in red.

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