türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 14 April 2019)
Sadly, not the first flying car in Turkey.
In Kütahya, Ali İhsan Oturak, who is the chief of the Saadet Party
in the province, went to the Hisar Mosque for prayers and parked
his car on an adjacent ramp. When he came out of the mosque he
saw that his car was missing and assumed it had been stolen, so he
called the police.
After a brief search, police found Oturak's car 100 meters away on
the roof of a house (!). It seems that when Oturak parked his car
he didn't engage the emergency brake. Since there was no one home
in the house a tragedy was averted.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 14 April 2019)
Last week Atatürk Airport in Istanbul was closed to commercial
flights for good and the adjacent 4-story, 8,500-car capacity parking
lot was shuttered, too. However (!), 59 unclaimed cars still remain
in the parking lot, some of which are luxury vehicles. Officials
have begun to try to determine who the owners are.
If the cars' owners aren't found, the vehicles will be put in a
police parking lot. Officials want to recover the parking fees
accumulated from this 'long-term parking', which costs 342 TL (about
$80) per month. Some of the cars have been stranded in the parking
lot since 2014, so the owed amout would surpass 20,000 TL (about

Atatürk was closed for good last week and all its commercial
flights have moved to Istanbul Airport on the Black Sea coast.
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