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(Milliyet Newspaper, 17 April 2019)
bbc story click here for the English version.
stonehenge timeline first monuments built in 3,500 B.C.
The circular Stonehenge shape was modeled on Anatolian
Experts conducting DNA research in London have compared DNA
samples from people living in England in neolithic times (800-5,500
B.C.) with those living in Europe during the same period and have
determined that those who settled on the island of Britain in the
neolithic period came to the island from Anatolia via the Iberian
peninsula, arriving in Britain in the year 4,000 B.C.
The research has been published in the journal Nature Ecology &
Evolution and according to the findings, the migration from Anatolia
to Britain began in 6,000 B.C. as part of a greater population
movement that brought agriculture to Europe. Prior to farming,
people in Europe lived as small hunter-gatherer groups.
Some of the migrating farmers followed the Danube River to Central
Europe, while others went via the Mediterranean Sea to the west.
The DNA of the neolithic Britains mostly correspond to the DNA
of those who came via the Mediterranean route. The researchers
found that the DNA of Britains first farmers resembles that of
people living on the Iberian peninsula.

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