türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 April 2019)
Still got his two front teeth!
Şehmus Aktürk bought a home in Adana and then found a human
skull and bones in the attic. Now the mystery has been solved.
First, though, the police lab determined that the bones were at least
30 years old and the murder unit sought out the home-seller Ali İ. (80)
for a statement. Ali İ. explained to police that the bones belonged to
his son Metin İ., who was a medical student 30 years ago, noting that
"I lived in this house since 1983. My son, who is a doctor, and his
friends brought home cadavers 30 years ago when they were in
medical school to study anatomy. They told me they got the bones
from the graves of unknowns legally. We varnished to bones to kill
any microbes and then stored them in the attic."
As for Dr. Metin İ., he related that "I was in medical school at
Çukurova University in 1987-88 and lived in this house. We had
to have bones for anatomy class so I asked my dad for help, so
he would go to the graveyard and get bones for us. I used these
bones for my education." After giving their statements, father and
son were released.
Med school 1987-88...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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