28 Nisan 2019 Pazar

Mining Village Slip-Sliding Away

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 April 2019)

Maden'de Heyelan Riski Nedeniyle 3 Bin Kişilik Mahalle Boşaltılıyor
                                     Going, going...

About 3,000 people  living in Camikebir village in Elazığ's Maden
district have been evacuated from their 278 homes and 232 shops
because of the risk of a landslide.  Despite having to leave the land
where they were born and raised, the villagers are complying with
the government's order.

camikebir maden elazığ köprü ile ilgili görsel sonucu
             When a bridge loses its purpose in life. SAD!

The land movement is not due to natural causes, but rather mining
("maden" means "mine" in Turkish).  Shopkeeper Erdem Ak explained
that "everyone's work and memories are here but health and safety
come before everything else.  The government building has been
abandoned because of cracks and the same is true for the other
buildings."  Residents Fefzi Hüküm and Nezir Aydın noted that the
village bridge is currently unuseable.  The government will give
the villagers a year's rent money to live elsewhere but no one knows
what will happen after the year is up.

maden elazığ haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Maden district is in SE Elazığ, on the border with Diyarbakır

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