türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 24 August 2019)
mysteried of abdülaziz's death click here to see a TNT
report on Sultan Abdülaziz's demise.

Chlebowski's unfinished painting depicting the conquest of
Istanbul in 1453.
The name of Polish artist Stanislav Chlebowski came up during
President Erdoğan's visit to Poland two years ago. In particular,
the interest in Chlebowski centered on the half-finished "Fetih"
(Conquest) picture that the artist painted at the request of Sultan
Abdülaziz and the efforts since then to bring the picture back to
Chlebowski's unknown letters have been uncovered by Dr. Agata
Wöjcik of Cracow Pedagogy University. In the letters, contrary to
what was thought, Chlebowski revealed that he didn't like the Sultan
and considered him a "day-dreamer" and "hot-tempered". The book
has been translated into Turkish by Nazan Erbil.
In his letters, Chlebowski said that Abdülaziz constantly interferred
with his work, noting that "working for Abdülaziz is like being in
captivity. The Sultan likes wild horses and I insisted that I was
painting such horses. I'm making the painting not just for the Palace,
but for the general public, as well. I want to recoup the time I spent
for money in the Palace. I did the painting with the Sultan breathing
down my neck so most of my valuable time was spent catering to
his whims."
While Chlebowski was doing the painting in 1872, the Palace was
topsy-turvy and he didn't get his salary. Archival documents show
that the Palace owed the Polish painter 5,000 liras and only paid
him 150 liras. Abdülaziz was assassinated (1876) while Chlebowski
was working on "Fetih". The painter fled to Paris and tried to complete
the giant painting but died before he could. His sister then gave
the picture to the Polish Cracow National Museum.
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