türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 5 August 2019)
He may, make that will, regret this publicity.
Ziya Abay (80), the father of four, lived for many years selling
antiques in Eskişehir. When Abay lost his wife in a traffic accident,
and with his children all gone to other places, he was left all alone
so he returned to his hometown of Çakırtepe village in Tunceli's
Pertek district.
Fourteen years ago, Abay discovered a barren island in the middle
of Keban Dam Lake, between Tunceli and Elazığ. Abay began
going back and forth to the island, which is about 80 dönüm (about
20 acres) in size, and then started to live in a shack that he built for
himself on the island.
Nice grapes - no pits!
There is no electricity nor is there any drinking water on the island
but in the 14 years Abay has been there he has planted 3,500 fruit
trees and vegetables, turning the barren rock into a personal paradise.
Every other week he goes to Petek to get water, bread and other
Flag Day at Ziya bey's island redoubt.
Abay explained that "I've been working with trees on this island for
14 years. I trim them and water them. Then I go have a cup of coffee.
Every 15 days I go to Pertek. I'm growing vegetables and I've got
every sort of fruit tree - chestnut, grape, cherry, apricot. I'm happy
and content. I don't need anyone. I'm here day and night. It's my,
everything. It gives me peace and strength and I reciprocate to the
island. I just wish that my wife was alive and with me. That's what I
think of all the time."
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