türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 6 August 2019)
Zeynep Özkara, derisively nicknamed "Zeynepbank" for defrauding
friends with a supposed high-yield investment scheme, has another
problem. In 2017, Özkara went to see doctor A.E. for treatment,
introducing herself as a 'banker' and offering to get A.E. a home with
a nice mortgage rate.
The two exchanged telephone numbers and a week later Özkara
called A.E., saying that "there's a house in Maltepe (Istanbul) whose
owners are in a pinch so they'll sell it for 147,000 TL (about $25,000).
A.E. decided to buy the house and the next day Özkara invited him
to breakfast where she suggested that he "find of place where we can
be alone." Since his wife was away on vacation, A.E. brought Özkara
to his home, where they had sex.
During their encounter, though, Özkara was secretly taking photos.
Afterwards, Özkara told A.E. to send the 147,000 TL to her bank
account but when he hesitated she grabbed his phone and sent
$46,000 from A.E.'s account to her own. Realizing what had
happened, A.E. went to the bank with Özkara so that $20,000 could
be returned to A.E.'s account. With regard to the remaining $26,000,
when Özkara balked at returning it A.E. threatened to go to the police.
Özkara then sent the equivalent of $26,000 in TL to A.E., minus
3,000 TL, but threatened to "have a chat" with A.E.'s wife about the

A.E. tries to foil the facial-recognition app.
On 17 July 2017, a man called A.E. for an appointment but instead
Özkara showed up. A.E. tried to keep her out of his office but she
forced her way in, demanding 50,000 TL from A.E., who refused to
comply. Özkara then showed A.E. the photos from their encounter
and promised to "scandalize you in front of your family and your
Özkara then took out a liquid and a cloth from her purse, wet the
cloth and tried to cover A.E.'s mouth and nose with it (!). Realizing
that the substance was chloroform, A.E. bit Özkara's finger and
managed to throw Özkara out of his office. Neighbors on the floor
below called the police and Özkara was arrested. The doctor's
naked photos were found on her phone.
A.E. filed a complaint and an investigation began. Özkara claimed
that A.E. had sexually harassed her, showing the photos and text
messages to support her assertion. She admitted, though, that the
home she wanted A.E. to buy belonged to her father. The liquid
she tried to smother A.E. with was determined to be chloroform
and was characterized by the court as a weapon.
Özkara now faces up to 29 years in prison for 'attack with a weapon',
'using a communication system for larceny', 'violating a person's
privacy' and 'slander'. Özkara is free pending trial but A.E.'s lawyer
Ufuk Uzunoğlu has asked the court to put her in jail until the trial.
Careful, she scratches.
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