türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 August 2019)
"I will survive"...against all odds.
Sedef Vatansever met Tuncer Vatansever, the man who ruined her life,
when she was 16. Sedef's father never approved of the relationship
because Tuncer, a barber, had both a drinking and a drug problem.
One day, Tuncer said to Sedef "I'm going to take you for a drive."
They went first to Karaburun, on Istanbul's Black Sea coast, and
next to a house in Arnavutköy, where Tuncer declared 'henceforth,
we're married!' and forced Sedef to have sex.
Sedef was only able to contact her family two days later with the
news, which her father Salih Küçükarılı could not bear so he hung
himself. In his shirt pocket was a picture of his daughter. It was
two more months before Sedef, who was then 20 days pregnant,
could visit her grieving mother.
Ugh! (informal expression used to express disgust or horror -
or both.)
When Sedef turned 18 she married Tuncer in a religious (unofficial)
ceremony but Tuner continued to drink and beat Sedef. The couple
had a daughter but when she grew older her father began abusing her,
too. For days at a time, Tuncer was not at home.
Sedef, however, pressed on with her life, entered and then graduated
from a university, beginning a career as a financial advisor. But
Sedef had to give her earnings to Tuncer, who had stopped working.
Finally, Sedef sued for divorce and took her daughter with her to
Bursa, where she met Mehmet Tanın and decided to begin a new life
with him.
Since the divorce from Tuncer was not final, Sedef and Mehmet
married in a religious ceremony. Tuner reluctantly accepted this
fait accompli but demanded money from Sedef. To avoid problems,
Sedef sent the money and Tanın took the daughter to Istanbul from
time to time to see her father.
Left wondering what 'justice' means...
Sedef stopped sending Tuncer money, which enraged the jobless
Tuncer. Last year on 21 February, Sedef went to see her mother
in Istanbul and when she got off the tram at Edirnekapı, Tuncer
was waiting for her. He screamed "I'm going to kill you!" and
stabbed Sedef 19 times in the back and kidneys. (!) Thinking Sedef
was dead, Tuncer left the scene but was later arrested.
Tuncer was put on trial, with the prosecutor asking for a 20-year jail
sentence for attempted murder. However (!), the court decided on a
15-year sentence and with a "good-attitude" reduction, the sentence
was further downgraded to 11.8 years when Tuncer declared his "regret".
Tuncer is now in a minimum security prison and can take leave (!) once
every 3 months, which prompted Sedef to say "how will I protect
myself and my daughter? He thought he had killed me so he should
have been tried for murder, not attempted murder, and suffer the
maximum penalty." (life in prison).

Arnavutköy is south of Karaburun.
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