türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 August 2019)
Maybe they should just play canasta...
In June, Prince İsmail Hüseyin Akbar of the Bahrain royal family,
gambled at a 5-star hotel in Girne, in the Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus (TRNC). Akbar played mostly roulette and ended the night
with winnings of $198,500, which he then gave to his 3 bodyguards so
the money could be transferred to his bank account.
However (!), two of the three bodyguards fled Girne with some of
the cash. Akbar alerted TRNC police to the theft and an investigation
was started about how Akbar gave the money to the bodyguards and
whether there had been a violation of the TRNC law governing the
transfer of foreign currency out of the country (amounts over 10,000
Euros or equivalent require TRNC approval for transfer.)
Three days ago, the third bodyguard, Fadi el Khoury, was arrested
as he tried to pass through the Beyarmudu border gate with the
Greek Republic of Cyrpus. Police found messages and calls on
Khoury's cellphone which he had exchanged with the other suspects,
İ.M. and İ.Ç. Khoury was jailed in Girne the day before yesterday.
Experts on TRNC casino operations noted that customers from the
Middle East are very important for the casinos, whose own personnel
generally market and publicize the hotels in Arab countries. In
addition, though, there are 'junketeers' who arrange pleasure trips
for groups and get commissions from the casinos, depending on
how much their group members lose (!) at the casino tables. Word-of-
mouth hotel recommendations are also very important for Arab
customers from their friends.
Girne (red marker)
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