türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 20 August 2019)
A bloodthirsty hoodwinker.
In Eskişehir, a woman who claimed to be the daughter of the Prophet/
King Süleyman (Solomon) had people with psychological problems
drink her blood (!) and then took 'donations' from them for a supposed
religious community.
The Tepebaşı District Gendarmerie Command received a tip that a
farm house in Keskin village was being used as a 'dergah' (dervish
convent) and that S.G. (49) and her lawyer son S.H.G. (24) were
providing 'treatment' there to individuals with psychological problems,
illegally reaping money in the process.
The Gendarmerie raided the farm house and another location, taking
4 people into custody. A court then sent S.G, S.H.G. and S.D. to
jail, while another S.G. escaped. Complainant G.G. explained in a
petition to the court that "S.G. gave identical rings and necklaces to
all the men she knew and designated them as 'commanders', with her
son S.H.G. being the top man. S.G. expoited my religious beliefs and
had me do whatever she said. Like many others, she dragged me into
bankruptcy. In 2016 I gave her power-of-attorney for all my property,
which she sold."
"The secret blood the Jews seek." (type O-super negative)
Another complainant, C.G., explained in a statement that "S.G. would
tell people that she had the 'secret blood Jews seek in her veins' and that
she was the daughter of Süleyman (Solomon). She charged 4-5,000 TL
(about $850) for 'treatment' with water and eggs containing her blood,
along with a bloodied mirror and a key. Sometimes she would make the
patient drink the bloody water and shower with it, saying that her blood
was health-giving. At one time, S.G. was accused of being a member
of FETÖ (Fethullah Gülen Terror Organization). She sent 40,000 TL
and some of her blood to the house of a woman named Hacer, where
FETÖ books and CDs were then burned."
Complainant S.D. stated that "S.G. took 2,700 TL from me for
'treatment' using a seal that she would pass over the body of the patient.
She always wanted money for 'sacrifices' but she used the money for
esthetic operations so she could look more like the Prophet Hussein (!).
She lived a luxurious life and gave code names to her followers, who
praised her constantly."
"S.G. even said that she had spilled a mixture of her blood and water
in front of the doors of the Prime Ministry, Presidency and Ministries
to help officials solve state problems, including the coup of 15 July."
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