20 Ağustos 2019 Salı

Popeye, Ninja Turtles, Bugs Bunny - On 'Diyanet''s Hit-List

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 19 August 2019)

diyanet temel reis ile ilgili görsel sonucu
               Hey, what about good-for-kids spinach?!...

In its monthly magazine, 'Diyanet', the Turkish Religious Affairs
Bureau, focused on the effects of cartoons on children.  In this regard,
Diyanet asserted that hours of cartoon watching by kids leads to
risky behavior, lethargy and poor nourishment.  Additionally, Diyanet
declared that some cartoons breed violence in children and are
contrary to 'religious and national feelings.'

bugs bunny thats all folks ile ilgili görsel sonucu
                                         ...and carrots?!

In particular, Diyanet cited 'He-Man', 'Voltran', 'Ninja Turtles',
'Bugs Bunny' and 'Popeye' as bad influences that teach children that
"any means are justified in defeating evil."  The article in Diyanet's
magazine stated that "in these cartoons the main character is rewarded
for violence, leading children to believe that violence is justified."

violent video games ile ilgili görsel sonucu
              Diyanet recommends lighter fare instead.

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