türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 14 August 2019)
The late Muhammed Erdal Doğan (inset) and real father
Ahmet Doğan.
Muhammed Erdal Doğan (33) came to Kayseri from Germany with
İfakat Doğan (64), whom Muhammed had always thought was his
real mother, for the Kurban Bayram (Moslem Feast of Sacrifice).
When Muhammed accidentally learned otherwise, he snapped, killed
İkafet hanım and then himself.
The incident took place on the 9th floor of the Altınpark apartment
house on Yavuz Sultan Selim Avenue in Kayseri's Melikgazi district.
Ahmet Doğan, Muhammed's real father who still lives in Kayseri,
gave Muhammed to his childless brother Ferhat Doğan and his wife
İkafetx, who lived in Germany, 33 years ago (no mention of who
Muhammed's real mother was.)
All his life, Muhammed thought that Ferhat and İkafet were his
real parents. Last year, Ferhat died of a heart attack. During the
Kurban Bayram get-together in Kayseri a few days ago, a relative,
as yet unidentified, spilled the beans to Muhammed about his
real parentage. Muhammed did not take this news well. He grabbed
a revolver in the house and shot İfakat 5 times before shooting

Melikgazi district is in Kayseri city.
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