13 Şubat 2021 Cumartesi

'Kangal' Shepherd Dog Goes Airborne to Snatch Threatening Drone in Çemişgezek

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 11 February 2021)

                              "Get the flock outta here!"

In Çemişgezek district's Kıraçlar village in Tunceli province, journalists
wanted to do a story about the famous Kangal-breed shepherd dogs that
protect flocks of sheep from wolves, so they deployed a drone to observe
the scene for their report.

However (!), as the drone approached the flock, the Kangal raced 
toward it and lept five meters into the air to snatch the drone, evidently
considering it a threat.  Shepherd Seçkin Ekici confirmed that the dog
allows nothing to come near the sheep.  

                             "Don't even think about it!"

Uğur Ekici noted that "we spend four months in the upper valleys of 
Ovacık and return to our village.  Our sheep then give birth so we're
up all night protecting them from wolves. Our "kom" (winter stations
for flocks) are far from the village so our best defense against the
predators is our Kangals.  I have four of them and I got this one in Sivas
when he was a puppy, in exchange for 10 sheep.  His name is 'Koto'and 
he's two-years-old now."

Continuing, Seçkin Ekici added that "the Kangals stay awake all night
to deter the wolves, while the sheep tend to their lambs. Otherwise, the
wolves would tear the sheep to pieces.  We actually did lose a few 
sheep to the wolves this year but we don't shoot them. We only fire our
guns at night to scare the wolves and the dogs chase them away." 


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