(Sabah Newspaper, 5 February 2015)

Baris A. is just plain nuts!
The incident occurred in Dogunyurtun Demirci village, in
Kastamonu province. Baris A. put a sleep-inducing drug
into his parents' tea. Once they were asleep, Baris A. went to
the basement and loaded 600 kilograms of hazelnuts onto
a truck, which he then took to Inebolu to sell.
When the parents, Fatma and Omer A., awoke in the morning
they realized what had happened and called the Gendarmerie.
Shortly thereafter Baris A. and his customer were taken into
custody. Baris A. admitted his guilt and he and his accomplice
were carted off to jail.

Doganyurt and Inebolu districts are on the Black Sea.
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