türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Vatan Newspaper, 23 September 2018)
H.S. - what he won't do for discount curtains!
In Antalya, policeman A.K. and another customer, H.S., wanted to
buy the same discount curtains on sale at a supermarket. A fight
erupted between the two, with A.K. shooting H.S. after the latter
attacked the former with a saw. (!)
The incident occurred at 14:00 at the supermarket in the Soğuksu
neighborhood of Muratpaşa district. Policeman A.K., on his day
off, was shopping with his family when both he and H.S. set
their eyes on the same discount curtains. In the ensuing fight,
A.K. first fired into the air to scare off H.S. Undeterred, though,
H.S. grabbed a saw from the trunk of his car and came after A.K.,
who then shot H.S. in his left leg.

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