türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 1 September 2018)

In Elbistan, Kahramanmaraş, the construction firm Karcıoğlu İnşaat
sold homes to 100 citizens based on an agreement. Depending on the
type of home, Karcıoğlu sold the homes for prices ranging from
30,000 to 180,000 TL, finished a portion of the homes and delivered
them to the buyers. However, the firm did not give the buyers deeds
and when their economic situation deteriorated firm owners
Abdülkadir K. and Dursun K. sold the homes the citizens had bought
on installments to loansharks. (!)
Dursun Karcıoğlu - his used car dealership is in trouble, too.
Buyers seeking redress went to the firm's office and found a note from
Abdülkadir K. saying that because of his financial crisis he had to
abscond to be able to pay his debts but he promised to eventually pay
the debts. The buyers' lawyer Mehmet Faruk Çetin stated that "my
clients bought homes from Karcıoğlu and began to live in them but
the firm turned the homes over to others to pay its debt. We have
filed suits against these people who bought the homes knowing that
the rightful owners were living in them. The people have cut off
my clients' water and electricity."
Ali Marangoz, one of the victims, said that "I paid 130,000 TL for
my home but on one pretext or another the firm wouldn't give me
the deed. It seems they sold our homes to loansharks to cover their
debts." Another victim, A.D., lamented that "I paid 100,000 TL in
cash for the home I bought and paid the remainder by 2017. So
when we moved in we wanted the deed since we had paid in full.
They said they would give us the deed but actually they sold the
deeds to loansharks who cut our tires to try to get us to leave our
homes. Our children are being threatened at school. Because of
the pending legal case they can't remove us but they've cut off our
water and electricity. I have a two-day-old baby. We're in a very
difficult situation."

Elbistan is in the northeast of Kahramanmaraş province.
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