türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 9 September 2018)
wedding mania click here for another recent TNT report about
alternative uses for wedding vehicles.
Would have been the get-away car in inevitable 'divorce'.
Yesterday in Yıldırım district of Bursa province, M.Ö. went to Vişne
Avenue in a car decorated for a wedding and then entered the jewelry
store of Gürsel Durmuş, wielding a Kalashnikov rifle. Working in the
store at the time was retired policeman Ahmet Seşkin (63), who
jumped on M.Ö. In the ensuing tussle the gun went off, wounding
another store worker, Öznur Topçu, in the foot.
Blushing (embarrassed) 'bride' M.Ö.
Police passing by heard the gunshot, entered the store and arrested
M.Ö., who was taken to the police station for interrogation. Topçu
was brought to a hospital. A search of M.Ö.'s car yielded 4 magazines,
a large amount of bullets and pepper spray.

Yıldırım district is part of Bursa city.
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