türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 6 September 2018)

Even Lewis Hamilton would have a tough time getting to
the head of this pack.
Istanbul Park has hosted a Formula 1 race 7 times at the racing facility
in Kurtköy, Istanbul, but the last time was 2012. Turkey built the
course at a cost of $205 million - now it is a parking lot for
rent-a-cars. (!) F1 removed Istanbul from its racing calendar in 2012.
CHP (opposition party) member Gürsel Tekin asserted that "if the
agreement with Formula 1 is not re-activated then millions of dollars
of taxpayer money will have been thrown out on the street. There are
F1 races all around the world each week but here in Istanbul we have
a parking lot!"

Istanbul Park(ing lot) is situated at middle-right on map.
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