türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Vatan Newspaper, 22 September 2018)
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, they say...
In Salihli district of Manisa province, on Thursday 13 September,
after noon prayers and after his congregation had dispersed, İmam
E.Ö. locked the doors to the mosque. This, though, caught the
attention of a few individuals sitting on a bench in the mosque's
garden. These individuals also saw a women enter the mosque
through its back door shortly afterwards and, thinking she may
be a thief, they called the police.
As a crowd gathered around the mosque, police arrived in 5
cars and on 3 motorcycles. E. Ö., though, would not open the
mosque door for 40 minutes, during which time the police
caught the women, who turned out to be Syrian, sneaking out
through the mosque's back door. The police found İmam
E.Ö. in his room in the mosque. In her statement to police the
Syrian woman explained that "we were cleaning". (!)
Both E.Ö. and the woman were released by police. But when
İmam E.Ö. prepared to say evening prayers his congregation
refused to attend. In light of this, Manisa Müftüsü (in charge
of all the province's imams) Sinan Cihan relieved E.Ö. of his
position at the mosque, pending further investigation.
Salihli is at upper right on the map.
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