türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 11 September 2018)
Thanks to Nimet hanım, now they've got milk.
The mother of fawns born in a hazel nut orchard in Giresun,
was scared off by other animals in the area. Citizens who found
the fawns turned them over to national park officials, who tried
to find the babies' mother, without success. Since there was no
animal shelter in the region the officials turned to Nimet Dizdar,
the mother of two children.
The technical side of the operation.
Dizdar, who lives in Sarıyakup village, began to serve as a volunteer
mother for the fawns that had never even tasted mothers milk, so
they had to be cared for like premature babies. Since 2012, Dizdar
has looked after 30 fawns and ultimately returned them to nature.
Her husband Mustafa Dizdar praised his wife's selflessness, saying
"She has put over 30 animals back into nature. A one-day-old fawn
was brought to her and she had to give the animal a baby bottle of
milk 5 times in 24 hours. Our cows' milk is too heavy for the fawns
so my wife boils factory milk for them. She makes the fawns happy
and they do the same for her."

Sarıyakup village is about half-way between Giresun on
the Black Sea coast and Şebinkarahisar in the province's
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