türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 September 2018)

Khorgos is bottom right, on the Kazakhstan-China border.
Kuryk is just south of Aktau on the Caspian Sea's east
Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Cahit Turhan has
announced that the 'Iron Silk Railway' from China to Europe
is now ready to transport cargo in 13 days, via Turkey. When
the YHT (high-speed) rail lines, currently under construction
in Turkey, are completed, goods will get to Europe from Turkey
in a day (!), thanks to the Baku-Tblisi-Kars (BTK) rail line.

Turhan told reporters that Kazakhstan's Kuryk container port on
the east coast of the Caspian Sea was opened last week and that
together with the Khordos/Altınkol dry container port on the
Kazakhstan-China border, there is now a Trans-Caspian Corridor
for goods to be shipped to Europe across Turkey. According to
Turhan, goods from China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
and the Ural and Siberia regions of Russia can now be brought
by rail to Turkey and on to Europe.
Currently, one train each day moves from Kazakhstan across
the Caspian Sea by ferry and then resumes rail travel via BTK
to Mersin, Turkey. The 'Iron Silk Railway''s Middle Corridor,
through Turkey, will, when the Ankara-Sivas and Sivas-Kars
YHT lines are completed (the former in 2019), allow for cargo
to pass through Istanbul via the Marmaray line under the
Bosphorus and onward to Europe even more quickly, even in
one day. (!)
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