//*Ed. Note: After more than 8 years of 'tuhaf', a
definition of the word is in order: comical, amusing,
funny, queer, ridiculous, curious, odd, uncommon,
rare. Clearly, these wide-ranging meanings give
TNT editors quite a variety of news to pick from.//
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 17 February 2019)
Maybe not the best place for a drunk driver to crash...
In Adana, a drunk driver who tried to flee a police check-point
crashed into the gate of the provincial police vehicles parking lot (!).
Yesterday, in the dark early morning hours, Mert B. (25) noticed
the police check-point on Mehmet Nuri Sabuncu Boulevard in the
Kurtuluş neighborhood.
Mert B. made a quick u-turn but police pursued him along
Cumhuriyet Avenue to Ahmet Cevdet Yağ Avenue. When Mert B.
came to Erdal Acet Avenue he crashed into the gate of the police
vehicles parking lot there. The 3 people in the car were slightly
injured but Mert B. was intent on avoiding a breathalyzer test,
pleading "My arm really hurts. I'm a veterinarian. Once my arm is
looked at I'll take the breathalyzer test."
Mert B.'s friends convinced him to accede to the test, which resulted
in a reading of 2.28 promil alcohol (the legal limit is .50). His
license was confiscated.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 17 February 2019)

Board of Directors' page, the day after...everyone
looks pale as a ghost!
In Istanbul, a retired police chief and retired police officer have
been taken into custody for defrauding businessmen out of
300,000 TL in the name of "aid to the families of fallen soldiers".
The chairman of a holding company in Fatih district informed
police about the two hoodwinkers, whom police identified as
former police chief İsmail D. and former policeman Ahmet
Murat D.
In any case, there were warrants out for the arrest of the two
suspects because of other fraud cases in a number of different
provinces. They had set up a front called the "Retired Police
Support Association", from where they solicited donations
for "the martyred soldiers and their children". Police raided
an address in Fatih, nabbed the two suspects and took them
to jail.

Especially these two.
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