türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 20 February 2019)

And these are just the applicants for the 1 receptionist job!
In Rize, the Youth and Sports Ministry announced that it would hire
60 workers and applications were accepted between 11-15 February.
For the 60 vacancies, 15,641 applications were filed (!). Also, a hiring
notice for 10 cleaners garnered 12,571 applicants (!). The names of
those to be hired will be announced in a drawing on 27 February.
Here are the positions and number of applicants announced in Rize:
Position Applicants
10 cleaners 12,571
2 cleaners (ex-convicts/those wounded in teror incidents) 123
6 cleaners (handicapped) 503
1 cook 31
1 asst. cook 47
2 lifeguards 39
6 security guards 670
1 receptionist 816 (!)
2 electricians 305
1 plumber 67
2 waiters 193
1 mechanic (pedel vehicles) 26
8 youth leaders (undergraduates) 31
16 youth leaders (graduates) 61
1 machine technician 158
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