türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 1 February 2019)
Who can survive on a police chief's salary these days?!
More details about the 'pirate excavation' operation, which snared 8
people, 4 of them police officers including Silvan police chief Ömer
Öztürk (!), in Diyarbakır's Silvan district last week have emerged.
Öztürk and his cohorts undertook an illegal excavation, unaware
that their police colleagues were on to them.
Deputy police chief Serkan C., one of Öztürk's team, was serving
as watch officer at the Silvan police station on the night of the
incident. So that other senior police officers would not meddle
in the illegal excavation being undertaken in the garden of an
historic mansion, Öztürk had them attend a meeting all together.
Serkan C. called the policeman manning the '155' citizen hot-line
and told him to ignore any calls that came in about activity at the
mansion. But so many calls came to the hot line, as citizens became
curious about the digging underway in the mansion's garden, that
Serkan C. decided to send an armored vehicle (!) to the site to
show citizens that police were on the job.
Just the thing to keep a crime scene low-profile.
The diggers had excavated about 1 meter of earth when they were
raided by other policemen. In addition to Öztürk and Serkan C.,
deputy police chief Bekir B., police officers Ali P. and Abdulmüddalip
G. and civilians Mahfuz A., Nesih T., Abdulvahap K., Arif A. and
İsamettin Ç. were all taken into custody.
The suspects were hoping to find gold that Armenians had supposedly
buried in the mansion's garden long ago.
Silvan district is at right, outlined in blue.
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