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(Milliyet Newspaper, 25 February 2019)
Inscription replica hung anew on the Bender Fortress wall.
The fortress in the city of Bender in the Transdniestria region of
Moldova contains a very important inscription about the Ottoman
Empire. In 1538, Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent marched on
Boğdan Voyvoda (prince) Petru Pareş who refused to pay taxes
to Istanbul, and conquered the Bender Fortress and surrounding
Süleyman tied the region to his empire and made it a 'sancak'
(subdivision), placing a 6-line inscription, the first by an Ottoman
Sultan, above the fortress entrance that explained his conquest of
the Bender Fortress and proclaimed him to be the supreme and only
ruler of the world.
The inscription was lost during the 1918 tumult of the Bolshevik
revolution and the person who noticed this was George Vilkov,
a retired naval officer who is the director of the Bender Fortress
and museum. When Vilkov saw a photo of the inscription taken
by Russian archeologist Nikandr Aleksandroviç in 1917 he got
in touch with Dr. Mehmet Tütüncü, the head of the Research
Center for the Turk and Arab World in Holland. With the help
of the photograph, a replica of the inscription was made thanks
to the efforts of the two scholars and hung on the wall of the
Bender Fortress once again.
Sultan Süleyman's inscription reads as follows:
"I am God's slave and the sultan of this world. With God's grace,
I am at the head of the Nation of Mohammed. God's virtues
and Mohammed's miracles accompany me. I am the Süleyman
whose sermon is read in His name in Mecca and Medina. I am the
shah of Bağhdad, the kaiser of the Byzantine world and the sultan
of Egypt. I am the sultan who has sent fleets to the Mediterranean,
North Africa and the Indian Ocean. I am the one who took the
throne and crown of Hungary and made them my slaves. Prince
Petru rose in revolt but he came to dust under the hooves of my
horse. I have conquered Boğdan. ((signed)) Süleyman, who made
history by taking this fortress in the year 945 (1538) and who
comes from the line of Osman."

Bender is at top right.
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