türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 May 2019)
holy man 1
holy man 2 click on these two for TNT reports about a
couple of other 'holy' scoundrels.
Secret weapon is divine intervention.
Boğaziçi University mathematics student and chess champion Ş.Y.(21)
encountered street vendor Hakan Demir on the street in the Kozyatağı
section of Kadıköy, Istanbul, on 24 November 2018. Demir addressed
Ş.Y. as "my friend in religion", starting a chain of events that resulted
in Ş.Y. turning over nearly 70,000 TL (about $11,000) to Demir.
Ş.Y. explained what happened this way: "While I was walking in
Kozyatağı on 24 November 2018, suspect Hakan Demir came up to
me and greeted me with 'Selamın aleyküm' and extended his hand
to me. Just to be polite, I shook hands with him. He then said 'my
friend in religion, I'm starting a kitchen for the poor and each oven
costs 180 TL.' In return I gave him the 80 TL I had in my pocket but
he said that wasn't enough. He then accompanied me to my home
and waited outside until I came back to him with another 300 TL."
"He asked for my phone number so I gave it to him. A few days later
he called me from an unregistered number. He greeted me the same
way as he did when we first met and I considered him to be 'Hızır
Aleyhisselam' (legendary Moslem hero). His manner of speaking
affected me greatly and he seemed to be sincere. Also, I thought it
was a good omen that we had met 'by chance' on the street."
Hakan Demir, in search of pawns....
"He said he would set up another kitchen for the poor so he told
me to bring him my mother's jewelry. I countered that it would
be wrong for me to give something that didn't belong to me but
he insisted that it would be God's will. Hakan Demir called me
again 3 days later, asked what I had done and, when I told him
I hadn't done anything, he summoned me to Erenköy. He told
me to sell my telephone, which I did and I gave him the 300 TL
I got for the phone. As we parted he gave me another phone
number and said 'when you call, ask for Hızır.'"
"He gave me 3 days to come up with some jewelry and 2 days
later I gave him 2 pair of earrings and a gold necklace. As we
parted he said to me 'you will meet someone on the street who
will want help from you. Help him.' On my way home I didn't
meet anyone so Hakan Demir told me that my heart wasn't open
to such a meeting. He called me a few days later and said 'I
haven't been able to collect the 12 pieces of jewelry I need.'
Hearing this, I withdrew the 4,170 TL I'd won in a chess
tournament and gave it to him. I also gave him 11 of my mother's
earrings and a chain."
"A week later my parents noticed the missing jewelry and they
took me to the police station to file a complaint against Hakan Demir.
The value of the cash and jewelry I had given Hakan Demir came
to between 60-70,000 TL. About 3 days later, he called me and
said that he would cut 12 animals as sacrifices and he wanted
12,000 TL from me. I agreed but informed the police right away.
Then, I called Hakan Demir and he told me to meet him in
Ümraniye Modoko (furniture-sales area in Ümraniye). The police
set up a 'sting'."
"Since he knew that I believed him to really be Hızır, he said that
he might come to meet me in another guise. So the person who
met me was named Eyüp and I later learned that he was Hakan
Demir's father. When Eyüp noticed the police he fled but was
captured and the police saw my phone number on his telephone.
Later, the police arrested Hakan Demir and I identified him."
Hakan and Eyüp Demir will be tried for "exploitation of religious
beliefs and emotions in a series of crimes for fraudulent purposes."
They face jail sentences of up to 17.5 years.
Area of this idiocy is around Ataşehir and Ümraniye.
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