türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 21 May 2019)
The gods are not smiling.
Sinan Sertel (32), an archeologist from Ankara University, worked at
the excavation at Olympos Antique City in Antalya for 7 years. The
day before yesterday, Sertel got into an argument with Sadık Poyraz
(32) of nearby Kumluca about the trees the archeologists have cut
down at Olympos during their excavation work. In the course of
their argument, Poyraz stabbed Sertel to death (!).
In his statement to police, Poyraz explained that "at the beginning of
March, I went to the Deliklitaş shore portion of Olympos with my
mother and saw that the laurels and reeds had been cut away so I
took a video. I showed my friends the video and everyone agreed
that there was no reason to cut the plants down. We all gathered for
a protest and I saw Sertel and my friend Zager Bagatur sitting on the
Sertel at Olympos.
Continuing, Poyraz said that his friend Bagatur intervened to head
off an argument between Poyraz and Serter. Nevertheless, Poyraz
went home and put the video on his Facebook page and rallied his
friends. But Poyraz also asked the concerned officials whether the
tree-cutting was authorized and he was informed that it was.
Consequently, Poyraz said that he erased the video from his Facebook
page and considered the matter closed.
Hugs trees, stabs people.
However, Sertel subsequently came to the bar where Poyraz works
and argued about Poyraz's video. On 19 May, Poyraz went to a
restaurant on the shore, again with his mother (!), and asked the
waiters there if they knew Sertel's phone number. Poyraz called
Sertel and said to him "let's talk, since you continue to threaten me!"
Fifteen minutes later, Sertel came to the restaurant and wanted to
take Poyraz to the site of the cut trees and explain the archeological
aspects of the pruning. Their argument flared again and Poyraz
stabbed Sertel with his fishing knife.

Olympos Antique City (red dot)
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