türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 11 May 2019)
gory details click here for detailed info on this road.
The Bayburt correspondant for the Anatolian News Agency (AA),
Abdulkadir Nişancı, was lost while covering snow-removal operations
on the Bayburt-Trabzon road, considered one of the world' most
dangerous. Nişancı's camera was found but there is still no trace of
The snowfall on Soğanlı Mountain, where the road runs, prompted
efforts to clear the way. Yesterday, Nişancı went to cover the story
but he fell off a pile of snow and down a cliff at about noon. Rescue
efforts by some 100 AFAD, UMKE, 112, Gendarmerie and highways
department personnel began immediately. Tracking dogs have also been
brought to the scene, where search & rescue efforts were suspended
when darkness fell. The Turkish Journalists Association issued the
following announcement: "We hope that our colleague will be found
quickly and in healthy condition."

The D915 road runs from the Bayburt provincial border to
Of in eastern Trabzon province, on the Black Sea coast.
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