türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 19 May 2019)
A meteor would have been less humiliating than a crane.
The Ankara Water and Sewerage Authority (ASKİ) diverted money
collected from citizens for the construction of Ankapark, which
ate up billions of TL. New Ankara Mayor Mansur Yavaş has revealed
that "AŞKİ has an existing debt of over 1 billion TL (about $175
million). It there hadn't been a unreimbersable investment like
Ankapark, then ASKİ wouldn't have been obliged to pay the money."
At a meeting of the Ankara municipal council, Yavaş said that ASKİ
gave the money for Ankapark, rather than change the deteriorating
water pipes in the city. He added that "ASKİ needs to make an
investment of 2 billion TL and change many of the pipes, some of
which are 40-50 years old and crumbling. If they break, some
neighborhoods won't have any water for a long time."
Ankapark was the pet project of former mayor Melih Gökçek, who
served as Ankara mayor for 23 years, and cost nearly 2 billion TL
to build. The park was opened on 20 March but has been unpopular,
with limited visitors. Gökçek had predicted that 10 million tourists
would visit Ankapark, comparing its potential to Disneyland in Paris,
which hosts about 14 million visitors per year. Gökçek had
amusement rides and giant dinosaur models placed in the park as
attractions. The dinosaurs were removed by Mustafa Tuna, who
succeeded Gökçek, who was forced to retire by President Erdoğan.
Gökçek gets bit on the hand he fed Dino with.
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