(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 January 2016)
"If I was really dead, could I be showing you this piece of paper?!"
In Eskişehir, Ali Sönmez (whose surname means 'never die'!)
learned that the firm he worked for showed him as having "died
in a work accident 12 years ago." Now, Sönmez is trying to
prove that he is alive so that he can retire.
Sönmez (43), a master plasterer who works on construction
projects, went to the post office last week to find out the date
he will be eligible to retire. There he obtained a password so
he could enter the relevant site on the internet. Veiwing his
records Sönmez was incredulous when he saw that he had
'died' in 2004.
According to the social security bureau's records, Sönmez
'died in a work accident on 1 September 2004'. Consequently,
as of that date his insurance was terminated. He lamented
that "my retirement is a dream because of this. I have to get
a court decision that proves I'm alive. Only then can I retire.
It's also unclear what happens to the payments due to my wife
because of my 'death.'"

Eskişehir province.
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