(HaberTürk Newspaper, 29 May 2016)
They're so embarrassed! (It's a Chinese custom)
Police in Urla district of Izmir found a copying device at an
ATM in the city center and laid in wait for the culprits. Shortly
thereafter two people came to get the copying device and police
caught them red-handed.
Police were surprised to see that the suspects were Chinese When
they refused to speak at the police station, the police went to the
car rental firm from where the two had rented a car. The firm owner
told police that he rents 4 cars to the suspects' boss each day, so this
prompted police to head for the address written on the rental agreement.
Suspects admitted that all their gear was Made-in-China, of course.
At the İTO Kent address in Urla police found that a total of 81
Chinese (!), 10 of them women, who had arrived in Turkey in March
and April, were living in 6 rented villas, costing 10,000 TL per month.
Police also determined that 6-month's rent for each villa was paid in
Police took all 81 Chinese into custody and learned that 61 of them
are also Taiwanese citizens. Up till now, the gang has copied the
ATM card information from about 3,000 people. Police are trying to
determine whether the Chinese had other motives for coming to Izmir.
The new Silk Road is paved with ATM cards.