(Milliyet Newspaper, 25 May 2016)
Pilav as one's unexpected last meal.
In Büyükçekmece, Istanbul, a bloody incident occured that will
once again inflame the discussion about whether 'zabıta' (officers
of the municipality who ensure that various laws and ordinances
are complied with.) should be armed.
The incident in question happened the evening before last on
Gürpınar Yolu Avenue. 'Zabıta' Yüksel T. (48), who was
surveying his duty area on foot, began arguing with a 'pilav'
seller (pilav is a boiled rice dish with butter, meat, fat, etc.).
Yüksel T. told the seller to move his cart from the sidewalk.
This is what all the fuss (i.e. death) was about.
As the argument heated up, customer İbrahim Halil Aslan took
the pilav seller's side and said to Yüksel T. "the guy's just trying
to make a living. Leave him alone." This remark caused Yüksel
T. to focus his wrath on Aslan, who demured and got into his
car to leave.
At this point, Yüksel T. began to take pictures of Aslan's car,
which prompted Aslan to get out of his car. Yüksel T. began
hurling insults at Aslan and then shot him in the foot. As Aslan
fell, Yüksel T. shot him 8 more times (!). Aslan was taken to
the hospital by citizens but could not be saved.
Yüksel T., a retired army sergeant working as a zabıta these days,
fled but was taken into custody shortly afterwards by police. He
defended his actions, saying "when he punched me I fired."
Aslan's friend Cem Er asserted that Yüksel T. had meant to shoot
him, as well, but his gun jammed.
Büyükçekmece district of Istanbul.
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