(HaberTürk Newspaper, 28 September 2015)
What could go wrong?
Perhaps the strangest incident of an "amateur butcher"
injuring himself while cutting an animal sacrifice during
Kurban Bayramı (Feast of Sacrifice), happened in Malkara
district of Tekirdağ province.
Hüseyin Alkan (36) was trying to cut up meat from a
sacrificial animal in Hacı Sungur village using a spiral rotary
motorized saw. The tool slipped from his hand and wounded
him in the leg. Alkan was taken to Malkara State Hospital
but the saw blade had cut an artery and the blood loss could
not be stopped.
Alkan was then taken to Tekirdağ State Hospital where he
expired despite all efforts to save him. It was learned that
Alkan had come to Malkara specifically to cut sacrificial
meat. His body was taken by relatives back to Ordu province
on the Black Sea coast.
Malkara district in Tekirdağ province.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 30 September 2015)
Even a 6 year-old can run it...
Ramazan Vatansever (38), known in Bursa as "Kosovalı
Tatlıcı Ramazan" (Sweets Shop Owner Ramazan from
Kosova), died when an iron bar hit his head while he was
trying to hoist two couches into the house of his mother-in-law
Hediye Karadeniz (59) in Osmangazi district of Bursa.
Vatansever was using a chain winch to hoist the furniture to
the third floor apartment. He tied a steel chain around the couches
and then called to his six year-old (!) son Talha, who was on the
apartment balcony, to press the button to activate the pulley.
However, the pulley and associated metal bars could not handle
the weight of the couches as they reached a height of 1.5 meters
and the bars fell to the ground.
One of the bars hit Vatansever, who collapsed in front of his son
Talha's eyes. The young man died at the hospital.
Osmangazi district is in central Bursa province.