(HaberTürk Newspaper, 9 June 2016)
It's fine as long as he doesn't bring a baby.
Eskikaraağaç village in Bursa is the only Turkish member of
the European stork villages network. Fisherman Adem Yılmaz
there has had a 5-year friendship that makes one think of the
La Fontaine Fables.
La Fontaine Fables links to Wikipedia info.
The stork comes with migration but won't leave Yılmaz's boat
for a moment. The skipper flings fish that the stork snatches
in mid-air. Yılmaz explained that "our friendship has gone on for
4-5 years. Every year he remembers me and each Spring when he
flies in we meet at our rendezvous point. Storks are really very
special birds."
For 12 years Eskikaraağaç village has held a stork festival within
the scope of the "Stork Friendship Village Project. The village is
the only one in Turkey that is represented in the European stork

Eskikaraağaç village is on the north shore of Lake Ulubat, west
of Bursa city.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 9 June 2016)

Hungry, not angry, birds.
In Düziçi district of Osmaniye province, a government building did
not pass the earthquake-proof test so a court ruled in February that
the building had to be demolished.
Squatter swallows.
However, when it came time to tear down the structure, officials noticed
that there were 600 swallow nests with more than 1,000 baby birds
housed in the front of the building. Consequently, the demolition has
been postponed until the birds are mature enough to fly away. General
Secretary of the Provincial Secretariat Mehmet Yanık declared that
"Nature is important."

Düziçi district is in eastern Osmaniye province.
ingilizce links to English language news report of 7 June 2016
And you think you have a long commute...
A tiny seabird has set the record for the longest migration
flight, travelling 96,000km (59,600m) in its round trip
between Northumberland and the Weddell Sea in Antarctica.
The Arctic Tern travelled 5,000km further than the previous
record holder – another Arctic Tern from the Netherlands.
Researchers from Newcastle University fitted 29 birds with
electronic geolocators for BBC's Springwatch in order to
track their migration route over the course of the year.
The first of the birds – which weigh just 100g – returned
to Farne Island on the Northumberland coast this spring.
The secret: In-flight refueling?
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