(HaberTürk Newspaper, 4 July 2017)
Suspect İ.A. reenacts position under bed, cursing telltale left foot.
Robbery suspect İ.A. entered a villa in Zekeriyeköy, Istanbul, but was
caught by Gendarmerie soldiers. İ.A. could not leave the villa because
a security guard was patrolling outside in the garden so he hid under a
bed. But when the Gendarmerie soldiers searching the house for him
noticed his foot sticking out from under the bed (!) he was captured.
At the Gendarmerie outpost, İ.A. made the following statement: "On
Sunday evening I took a taxi from Eyüp to Zekeriyeköy. I strolled
around until dark, trying not to attract attention to myself. I noticed that
the lights of a villa weren't on so I checked it out and then hopped the
back fence."
"I tried twice to get on to the balcony but fell both times (!). On the
third try I made it and opened the door with a screwdriver. I was just
about to leave the villa when I noticed the security guard. I started to
wait but just then the lights in the house came on so I hid under a bed.
But one of my feet stuck out and the Gendarmerie soldier noticed it
and grabbed me."
Suspect İ.A. had 13,600 TL (about $4,000) that he had taken from the
house, the screwdriver and gloves on him when apprehended. It turned
out that İ.A. is a prison fugitive and has a record for 26 separate crimes,
including robbery, plundering and attempted murder.
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