(Milliyet Newspaper, 21 July 2017)
Scarred for life, before and after.
The tatoos she had inked on her body have become her nightmare.
Dilan Deniz Kılıç (23) of Adana had tatoos of ivy and names inked
onto her right shoulder, back and her two wrists. Two years ago
Kılıç decided to have the tatoos removed and she went to a private
hospital in Istanbul to discuss the matter with plastic surgeon
Serkan Dinar.
On 27 April 2015 Dinar operated on Kılıç and erased the tatoos.
However, scars from the operation remained so Dinar performed a
second operation on 9 March 2017 but the scars did not go away.
Kılıç, now suffering psychological pain because of the scars, has
filed a 500,000 TL (about $150,000) suit against Dinar, asserting
that "I wanted to be free from the tatoos but I'm in a worse situation
now. My life is a disaster!" Dinar has filed a countersuit against
Dr. Serkan Dinar displays his weapon of choice.
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