türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 7 July 2017)
Here comes trouble...
In Konya, an execution occurred on Tuesday. Yunus Şener (39) was
shot and killed as he drove his car on the street. When police arrived
at the scene they heard a woman's laughter coming from a nearby
street and took Büşra B. (20), who had previously been arrested for
prostitution, in for questioning.
Büşra hanım claimed that her boyfriend Yaşar U. had committed the
murder. In his statement to police, Yaşar U. asserted that he killed Şener
because he continually asked Büşra hanım for money: "Büşra called
me and said 'what kind of a boyfriend are you?! Do what you need
to do!' So I shot him with my pump-action rifle."
Büşra hanım was brought to court yesterday on the charge of 'inciting
murder' and took the opportunity to face reporters with a smile and a
laugh. In the end Yaşar U. was arrested and Büşra hanım was released (!).

Konya province
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