türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 26 July 2017)
Easy Rider Bayoğlu, center, and friends.
Motorcycle enthusiast Barkın Bayoğlu (42), who went by the
moniker "Golden Suited Man", died in a bizarre accident on
the 15 July Martyrs Bridge in Istanbul the night before last at
2 a.m. Bayoğlu was driving his motorcycle from the Asian to
the European side of the bridge when he struck pedestrian Buğra
Erdem, right, and friend.
Erdem had quarrelled with his wife in their car, which he stopped
on the opposite side of the highway that goes from the European
side to the Asian side. In a huff, Erdem got out of his car and
began walking through traffic toward the shoulder on the opposite
side. At this point, Erdem, a real estate broker, was struck by
Bayoğlu and both were killed.
Accident occurred on the European side of the bridge (A),
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