türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sabah Newspaper, 5 July 2017)

Shouldn't they fight Greeks instead of each other?
The scions of prominent Turkish families, like the late Mehmet Ali
Birand's son Umur Birand, Aykut Tarakçıoğlu, Batu Aksoy, Ekin-Erim
Ekşioğlu, Nuri Has and Eren Mengi, went to the famous Greek island
of Mykanos for the Ramazan holiday.

Let's set back Turk-Greek relations another 500 years!
The group partied on the beach at Nammos, had dinner and opened
one bottle of champagne after another. However, after a while the
fellows began to lose control and started spraying each other with
bubbly. Another group of Turks got wet from the champagne spray.
Words and then fists were exchanged between the two groups of
vacationing Turks.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 5 July 2017)
Their new dance number: the 'In Custody'
Elif Çelik, who rose to fame with her Instagram photos and became
a Playboy girl, was taken into custody along with two friends in Mexico.
The incident occurred on 30 June in Merida on the Yucatan Peninsula,
where Çelik was enjoying herself with American model Lauryn Elaine
and French model Marie Brethenoux at the Playboy Festival.
The three models posted news about their activities on social media
but police determined that none of them had work permits so they
raided the event and took the three into custody on the charge of
making money without the proper documents.
Çelik in uniform.
After 24 hours in custody all three asserted that they were not paid
for their appearance at the festival. Çelik claimed that while in custody
she had to plead with the guards for food and drink. After their release,
Çelik explained that "we came here to be with our fans and celebrate.
At a midnight party they took us into custody. I never had such a
frightful experience in my life." Playboy Mexico issued a statement
saying that there had been a 'misunderstanding' between the federal
police and security forces that led to the incident.

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