türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 29 July 2017)

When they get tech-savvy they won't steal GPS cars.
In İznik district of Bursa province, 6 people blocked the path
of an Uighur Turk driver named Aılaıtı Pahatı and stole 88,000
TL (about $25,000) from him. The suspects then took the car
from Pahatı.
The Gendarmerie determined that the car had been rented from
a dealer in İnegöl and they were able to track the car thanks to
a GPS device inside the vehicle. Five of the suspects were located
at a nightclub and Fatih A.E., Beyto A., Güngör A., Turgut Y.
and Serdar Y. were soon apprehended while enjoying themselves
at the club. The sixth suspect, Bayram B., was captured soon after.

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 29 July 2017)
Wife, kids and nannies still enjoying Lake Abant. Perhaps
more so...
Police looking into 27 robberies at homes in Sarıyer, Şişli and
Beşiktaş districts of Istanbul, determined that the thefts were
perpetrated by Orhan G., his brother Vedat G. and Eren A. but
the suspects dodged police successfully for three years by
changing addresses and telephone numbers.
Coincidentally, a policeman who was working on the case
was vacationing with his family last week at a 5-star hotel at
Lake Abant in Bolu. The policemen recognized the suspects,
who happened to be staying at the hotel with their families,
called for reinforcements from Istanbul and the three were
taken into custody.
In their most recent robbery, the thieves took a safe from the
home of a businessman in Üsküdar containing $800,000 (!).
Video images of the robbers taking the businessman's luxury
car were entered into the case file as evidence.

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